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What is POPRI?
POPRI is a Slovenian and EUSAIR POPRI youth entrepreneurial competition for young people with a clear vision, great ideas and entrepreneurial spirit. POPRI stands for "podjetnik prihodnosti", which means "entrepreneur for the future". The POPRI competition internationalized through the EUSAIR POPRI youth events that take place every year as a side event of the EUSAIR Forum.
The event brings together youth from 10 EUSAIR countries (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Monte Negro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia and Slovenia) to deliver strong messages to be taken into account while meeting the decision-makers of 10 EUSAIR countries.
Why focus on youth?
We are convinced that young people are capable to give us effective response and even solutions for actual challenges that we are all confronted with. We need opportunities for exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as to create network.
Do you want to know more about EU Strategy for Adriatic-Ionian region (EUSAIR)?
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When and where it will take place?
The event will take place during 15-16 May 2024, back-to-back to the 9th EUSAIR forum. The EUSAIR forum is planned to take place in Šibenik, Croatia.
Which institutions are involved in the organization of the event?
Primorski tehnološki park is responsible for the organization of the event in cooperation with other technology parks/incubators/regional institution of EUSAIR countries. Technology parks and incubator act as a single Innovation Entrepreneurial HUB of the EUSAIR.
Here they are: ZICER- Zagreb Innovation Centre (Croatia) as main organizer of the event in 2024, Local Economic Development Agency Auleda Vlore (Albania), ICBL – Innovation Centre Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Science & Technology Park of Crete (STEP-C) (Greece), CONFCOOPERATIVE FVG (Italy), Studentski Biznis Centar Univerziteta Donja Gorica (Montenegro), CKM – Center for Knowledge Management (North Macedonia), Republic of San Marino Innovation Institute (San Marino) and Business Incubator Novi Sad (Serbia).POPRI is supported by strategic project »EUSAIR FACILITY POINT – Supporting the EUSAIR governance for improved cooperation«, co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg IPA Adrion Programme 2021-2027. Technology parks are crucial in the preparatory phase of the event (selection of national teams) and communication with Primorski tehnološki park. Application procedure is possible only via technology park by using a platform.
Who can participate?
EUSAIR POPRI youth will join participants, divided into 2 categories:
Participants do not have an established business for the entrepreneurial idea they are competing with. Participants shall fulfil the eligibility criteria (follow the Contest rules).
Each country is represented by one team of high-school students (led by mentor) and one team of students – each team consists up to 5 members. There will be two teams per country, 20 teams altogether. Each team selects max 2 members who will present the business idea and travel to EUSAIR POPRI youth competition.
Where can I get more information about the EUSAIR POPRI youth event?
Primorski tehnološki park is responsible for the visibility of the event, together with other 9 technology parks/incubators, 10 in total. You can find more information on
In case you need more information, please contact
I would like to support activities of young entrepreneurs. Can I?
Offcourse you can become a sponsor – you will significantly contribute and help our young participants in their activities, but you will gain visibility as well.
For more information, please contact
The timing of the application procedure?
The application procedure is open from 22th April (CET) until 6th May 2024 (12:00 CET).
How can I apply?
The application and all the requested documents shall be submitted via e-platform (available to 10 technology parks/incubators/regional agencies). Just follow the online application and insert filled template which are enclosed.
The on-line application consists of:
How many times can I apply?
Individual or team can apply only once (one single application).
How do I know that the application was submitted successfully?
The applicants will receive a confirmation email once they have successfully submitted the application with all requested templates.
How the evaluation process works?
Applicants have to pass the eligibility criteria first (follow the Contest rules). It is recommended that the fulfilment of these criteria is reviewed together with the technology park with whom team is cooperating with. Primorski tehnološki park will also check the fulfilment of the eligibility criteria and contact the technology park that sent the application in few days. Technology parks will not be contacted in case everything is fine.
Next step is focused on the review of the quality criteria which is divided in 2 steps:
Who are the members of the jury?
Primorski tehnološki park will, together with main organizer-technology park, form international jury, separately for each category. The jury is composed of at least three (3) experts from various institutions (decision makers, science, business environment, investors), connected to the EUSAIR.
What about the pitch experience?
The pitch session is 5 minutes long and PowerPoint presentation shall be used. It is performed in English language. After 5 minutes of short presentation, 5 minutes questions and answers session will follow.
PPT presentation shall be sent together with the application form.
What the members of the jury are interested in?
It is OK not to answer questions, just relax! Shortly explain the situation and members of the jury might give you an advice for your future activities.
All questions are related to the business idea that you present. Here are some examples:
Who are your ideal customers? Describe them in more detail.
How you researched the market? Did you use interviews? What did you learn?
How will you sell your product/services?
What selling channels will you use? What advertising mechanisms will you use?
Describe your MAP- minimum acceptable product? How will you create one?
Have you consulted any expert to make an MAP?
In what time will you start a business?
How much time do you need for a prototype? What about costs/money?
Who are your competitors? How you researched them?
How did you calculate what potential your idea has?
Registration and submission of application and documents to Primorski tehnološki park – from 22th April 2024 (12:00 CET) by using e-platform
Closing date of registration and submission of application and documents to Primorski tehnološki park – till 6th May 2024 (12:00 CET)
Checking the eligibility criteria (6th May 2024)
Application and documents are submitted to the jury – 6th May 2024
EUSAIR POPRI youth event – 15-16th May 2024, Šibenik, Croatia