POPRI 2022: Who are the finalists of the Slovene National Competition
On March 8, 2022, two hundred and sixty-nine young people competed with their business models for a place in the final round of the national competition for entrepreneurial ideas POPRI, organized by Primorski tehnološki park. The regional pre-selections were held simultaneously in four locations in Slovenia - Nova Gorica, Ljubljana, Velenje and Novo mesto. Experienced entrepreneurs as members of the regional juries decided which teams presented their ideas most convincingly. With this regional competition, the 3 best teams from each local region and each individual category (36 in total) will be selected and qualify for the national competition organized by Primorski tehnološki park on April 5, 2022 in Nova Gorica. The national competition will serve as a springboard for the best teams to participate in the EUSAIR POPRI youth competition in Tirana, May 16-17, 2022.
The course of the competition
This year's competition was live again after two digital performances. Despite the difficult situation in education due to the Corona virus, no less than 342 young people applied for it. The contest participants developed their ideas with the support of 85 mentors in 66 educational institutions (elementary schools, High-schools and Universitites). From the proposals received, the members of the jury selected the best from each category, who qualified for the regional pre-selections and presented their products orally in the form of a 5-minute pitch - a short and inspiring startup presentation.
Depending on the location of the applicants, the evaluation of the entrepreneurial ideas was carried out by the regional partners of the competition, namely:
- Primorski tehnološki park, Nova Gorica, (Goriška, Obalno - Kraška, Primorsko - Notranjska) - Novo mesto Development Center (SE Slovenia and Posavje region) - Ljubljana Technology Park (Central Slovenia, Gorenjska, Zasavje) - SAŠA Incubator (Koroška, Savinjska, Podravje and Prekmurje)
The national POPRI competition is organized by Priimorski tehnološki park in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, SPIRIT Slovenia, a public agency, and the Slovenian Enterprise Fund. The final round is also co-organized by the Municipality of Nova Gorica and the Municipality of Šempeter-Vrtojba.
Who are the finalists that will compete on Slovenian national event?
Finalists from the Primorski tehnološki park, which includes the regions of Goriška, Obalno - kraška and Notranjsko-kraška
Rok Cigoj, David Košir
OŠ Dobravlje
Andreja Vister, Tanja Krapež - Regijska razvojna agencija ROD Ajdovščina